Step by Step tutorial

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:tv: Step by Step


This guide covers, step-by-step, a demo for this ROSE-AP.

As commented throughout this documentation, this repository is mainly composed of firmware for an M-DUINO PLC. All of the development has been done with the physical device connected to the computer via USB-B as can be seen in the architecture.

However, if one doesn't have access to the physical hardware, this guide offers a simulation.


  • arduino-cli: a command line interface which implements all of the Arduino IDE. It lets us compile and upload our code. Check its documentation here.

  • simavr: an AVR simulator that uses avr-gcc. In order to simplify things, we use it to replicate the M-DUINO's underlying Arduino board and run our firmware. Check its repository here.


  1. First we need to pull the Docker image hosted in Docker Hub. Further documentation on the image and a guide to build your own can be found here. This image has all of the necessary dependencies installed.

    docker pull jaclavijo/agilplas
  2. Now we run the container and execute an interactive shell inside it.

    docker run -it --name demo jaclavijo/agilplas

    Inside the container's demo directory we find two directories: - AGILPLAS which contains the repository code. - simavr which contains the Arduino core simulator.

  3. Compile the firmware using arduino-cli with the -e flag which will export the binaries compiled (needed for the next step).

    arduino-cli compile -e -b industrialshields:avr:mduino AGILPLAS/src/main/main.ino
  4. Run the simulation using simavr and the compiled .ELF file:

    simavr/simavr/run_avr -m atmega2560 -f 16000000 AGILPLAS/src/main/build/industrialshields.avr.mduino/main.ino.elf


    Initial configuration:

    Loaded 16126 .text at address 0x0
    Loaded 744 .data
    ----- Input Configuration:..
    Input-> reference: 2, alias: Input_0..
    Input-> reference: 3, alias: Input_1..
    Input-> reference: 54, alias: Input_2..
    Input-> reference: 55, alias: Input_3..
    Input-> reference: 56, alias: Input_4..
    Input-> reference: 57, alias: Input_5..
    Local IP:0..

    The digital inputs are then read:

    ----- Reading digital inputs..
    ----- Digital inputs read..

    And finally the read inputs are sent towards an OCB:

    ----- Sending Data to OCB..
    POST /v2/op/update HTTP/1.1..
      "actionType": "append",..
      "entities": [..
          "type": "MDuino",..
          "id": "MDuino_1",..
          "Input_0": {..
            "value": 0,..
            "type": "Integer"..
          "Input_1": {..
            "value": 0,..
            "type": "Integer"..
          "Input_2": {..
            "value": 0,..
            "type": "Integer"..
          "Input_3": {..
            "value": 0,..
            "type": "Integer"..
          "Input_4": {..
            "value": 0,..
            "type": "Integer"..
          "Input_5": {..
            "value": 0,..
            "type": "Integer"..
    ERROR: Connection to OCB @ failed..

    As we can see, the connection fails. This is due to not being able to simulate the Ethernet Arduino library with the AVR. This one of the possible improvements of the simulation.

  5. For the moment we only read 0s from the digital inputs, but we can simulate random reads apllying this patch to the simavr implementation.

    cd simavr
    git apply /demo/AGILPLAS/src/0001-random-values.patch
  6. Now we can repeat the simulation and see random input values.

    simavr/simavr/run_avr -m atmega2560 -f 16000000 AGILPLAS/src/main/build/industrialshields.avr.mduino/main.ino.elf


    ----- Sending Data to OCB..
    POST /v2/op/update HTTP/1.1..
      "actionType": "append",..
      "entities": [..
          "type": "MDuino",..
          "id": "MDuino_1",..
          "Input_0": {..
            "value": 0,..
            "type": "Integer"..
          "Input_1": {..
            "value": 1,..
            "type": "Integer"..
          "Input_2": {..
            "value": 1,..
            "type": "Integer"..
          "Input_3": {..
            "value": 0,..
            "type": "Integer"..
          "Input_4": {..
            "value": 1,..
            "type": "Integer"..
          "Input_5": {..
            "value": 0,..
            "type": "Integer"..
    ERROR: Connection to OCB @ failed..