User & Programmers Manual


This manual is written taking into account that an M-DUINO PLC is available. Nonetheless, it can be very helpful for anyone coming from the Step by Step video. If that's you, have in mind some points may not apply.


  1. Download the code in this repository's src folder.

  2. Start Arduino IDE and select File > Open... > main.ino file. This will open the whole main sketch and both readData.ino and sendData.ino.

  3. Click Tools and make sure the following are selected:

    Board: "M-Duino family" > Industrial Shields Boards > M-Duino family
    Model: "M-Duino 21+"

    If the boards aren't installed refer to Arduino IDE board installation guide.

  4. This code is written in Arduino (C++ with some additional features). There are two mandatory functions:

    • setup() is called when a sketch starts.

    • loop() does precisely what its name suggests, and loops consecutively.

    • Check the language reference for the complete documentation.

  5. On top of this functions, this implementation contains:

    • Input class with reference and alias member variables.

    • readData() function that loops through the digital inputs storing their value.

    • sendData() function that builds a request with the previously read data. Then sends it towards OCB.

      /v2/op/update endpoint is used with "append" mode. This will create the entity if it doesn't exist and update its attributes otherwise.

  6. Use Sketch > Verify/Compile or Ctrl+R to check your code for errors compiling it.

  7. Use Sketch > Upload or Ctrl+U to compile your code and upload it to the configured board (via USB-B).

  8. Use Tools > Serial Monitor or Ctrl+Shift+M to open the Serial monitor. This is our main debugging tool.


The only library used is Ethernet.h to connect to the Internet and be able to use HTTP POST.

Variable Configuration

  • Ethernet variables:
byte mac[] = {0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x10, 0x00, 0x99};
IPAddress myIP (0, 0, 0, 0);
// IPAddress myDNS (8, 8, 8, 8);
// IPAddress myGATEWAY (128, 64, 10, 1);
// IPAddress mySUBNET (255, 255, 255, 0);

These variables are used by the Ethernet.h library to establish an Internet connection. They are used by the Ethernet.begin(...); method. Further information.

  • Input array:
const Input* inputs[] = {
    new Input(I0_0, "Input_0"),
    new Input(I0_1, "Input_1"),

This array contains Input objects which are pairs of (input reference, alias).
The alias will be used to name this input as an OCB entity attribute. Check the example.

  • Orion Context Broker variables:
const IPAddress orionIP (0, 0, 0, 0);
const int orionPort = 1026;  
const String entityType = "MDuino";
const String entityId = "MDuino_1";
const String fiwareService = "openiot";
const String fiwareServicePath = "/";

Here we can set the OCB instance IP and port where the data will be POSTed to.
Alongside we can set both the OCB entity type and id which will represent the device. The fiwareService and fiwareServicePath headers can also be modified at will.
Check the example.

  • Polling time:
const int POLLING_TIME = 10000;

Milliseconds that will elapse between the input readings.

Note: the fact that sendData() takes time is taken into account. If it takes longer than the polling time itself, then readData() is called right after.


Consider the following configuration:

byte mac[] = {0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x10, 0x00, 0x99};
IPAddress myIP (192, 168, 110, 223);
const Input* inputs[] = {
    new Input(I0_0, "Input_0"),
    new Input(I0_1, "Input_1")

const IPAddress orionIP (10, 11, 0, 55);
const int orionPort = 1026;

const String entityType = "MDuino";
const String entityId = "MDuino_1";
const String fiwareService = "openiot";
const String fiwareServicePath = "/";

const int POLLING_TIME = 10000;
  1. It will set the M-Duino mac and IP as stated.

  2. It will poll the inputs referenced by (I0_0, I0_1) every 10 seconds and then perform the following POST:

POST /v2/op/update HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
fiware-service: openiot
fiware-servicepath: /
Content-Length: 272
    "actionType": "append",
    "entities": [
        "type": "MDuino",
        "id": "MDuino_1",
        "Input_0": {
          "value": 0,
          "type": "Integer"
        "Input_1": {
          "value": 0,
          "type": "Integer"
  1. Now we can check in OCB:
curl --location --request GET ''
        --header 'fiware-service: openiot'
        --header 'fiware-servicepath: /'


        "id": "MDuino_1",
        "type": "MDuino",
        "Input_0": {
            "type": "Integer",
            "value": 0,
            "metadata": {}
        "Input_1": {
            "type": "Integer",
            "value": 0,
            "metadata": {}